Sunday, March 4, 2012

Flowing through the veins...

What's happenin' fellow nurses, murses, student nurses, and those who just like some good wholesome learnin'.  I've done this whole blog thing before, I had a good run (see for yourself), then it all faded in the name of nursing school.  I'm happy to report (with fingers crossed) I will be graduating in June, holla'!  So when you factor in the imaginary nursing shortage, I could be comin' at ya intravenous-like in a hospital near you sometime before... 2013?  Oh and by the way, hey media just in: thanks for telling the world to flow into the nursing education establishments of America because there are so few to go around - shortage cured, no jobs now.  Don't patronize me either by telling me that the shortage is on the way.

Wo, wo, where did that short order of spicy come from.  I apologize for the voices in my head already, I intend to keep this bloggage on the up and up.  I think it is time for me to unveil a mission statement for this blog.  So with out further adieu, I'm going to go ahead and come forward and say: mission is yet to be determined.  I'm not a big fan of labels and purpose anyways.  If anything lets just let the meaning of life, economy, health care, obscure sexual positions, and friendship unravel before us as we take this journey.  I will tell you right now that this could get messy.  So grab your gown, mask, and gloves we bout to get freaky.

Anyways that's my intro and I'm sticking to it.  It's kind of like the first day in any new lecture course, you sit and hear about the syllabus for a couple hours and don't even tickle the subject.  My intro is much more to the point: I hope your hungry cause you bout to get served!  We're going to make history and we will not stop until nursing is an Olympic event...

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